Saturday, 31 January 2015

Quick update!

Hello everyone!
Today is just going to be a wee update of my life and how I'm planning on scheduling some posts on here.

First off I am going back to school next Wednesday, which is a good and bad thing in all honesty. This means that I may not be able to post as often but I'm not going to give up on this blog as I did with one last year. With going back to school and being in the last year of school (ahhh) I get to wear mufti every Friday, my plans are to start a weekly fashion Friday post of what I wore to school on that day. On these posts I will list what I wore and where it was from but also if I would wear it again to school, if it was suitable and just general things like that. So look forward to Fashion Fridays! I do have heaaps of other posts planned, including at least one blog colab so watch out for that.

The photography club that I go to will be starting again soon so expect some more photography posts soon. :)

I am always up to try anything so please let me know any ideas for posts by commenting below or messaging me, and I will do my best to do your ideas for you.

Until next time, be happy and stay gorgeous :3 xxx

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